To inspire and energise every student and staff member with an inclusive, innovative and deep learning experience.
Encourage a Global perspective, incorporating the UAE National Agenda and celebrating the Nation's moral values and the Emirati culture.
Implement the CBSE Indian curriculum based on the National Curriculum Framework and enriched with STEAM, mindfulness, bodily kinesthetics, arts and music.
Develop and sustain quality systems in school governance, educational and support services, performance management and continuous improvement.
Fully exploit the core strengths of the Amity Education Group to enhance the learning opportunities for both students, teachers and leaders.
Our values guide our behavior in building a successful community.
Equipped with knowledge, empathy and leadership skills, ASD graduates display mannerisms and abilities that reflect respect, courtesy and perseverance.
They believe ingenuity, hard work and cooperation are the cornerstones of success, traits that help them attain a personality that displays kindness, self-reliance and constant perseverance towards reaching their goals