Amity School Dubai provides an inclusive learning environment that meets the needs of our learners’ intellectual, social, emotional and personal development. We welcome students of determination at school. Admission is not conditional on diagnosis.
The school believes that educational inclusion is about equitable opportunities to all learners irrespective of their age, impairment, attainment or background. The vision of the school is ‘to inspire and energise every student and staff member with an inclusive, innovative and deep learning experience’.
Early identification of students of determination through observation, diagnostic tests and admissions procedures, ensures that provisions are planned for students upon entry to the classrooms. The school ensures that students of determination have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
The school is committed to educating all students, including the students of determination in a common learning environment. All students have access to quality instruction, intervention and support, so that they experience success in learning. Students are given opportunities to be successful learners, to form positive social relationships with peers and to be fully participating members of the learning community.
Amity School Dubai also makes sure that the siblings of students of determination are given preference during admission.
CBSE Inclusion:
Inclusion Directives: